Frequently asked questions
Acupuncture sessions
Get answers to the things you most want to know about acupuncture and self-care…
Q: Does acupuncture hurt? A: Most points you won't feel at all, some points you may feel a dull ache or a heavy sensation, but this passes quickly. Most patients are so relaxed they fall asleep on the table!
Q: What does acuppuncture treat? A: If you’re struggling with any form of pain or discomfort, acupuncture can be an especially helpful treatment tool. It’s also great for regulating digestion, easing emotional stress, helping you navigate menopause, reducing fatigue and improving sleep. In fact, acupuncture is really effective in relieving a whole bunch of symptoms that add up to ‘not feeling great.’ While such symptoms might not be enough to prompt a visit to your GP, they certainly make everyday life feel like a struggle. Because acupuncture is a holistic medicine, most symptoms are a reflection of how you’re feeling physically, emotionally and spiritually. When those symptoms start to get better, you’ll start to feel better in yourself too: win-win!
Q: How does acupuncture work? A: There are many theories about how acupuncture works, but a great way to think about how acupuncture works is by seeing our bodies as a network of highways. These highways - coordinated by our brain and nervous system - send blood, body fluids (for example: tears, saliva, lymph) and electrical impulses (energy that acupuncturists call Qi or Chi) to every organ, bone, muscle and skin. This provides the energy these structures need so we can physically and mentally function well in the world. But just like highways, sometime’s there’s traffic jams (where traffic gets blocked and stuck), as well one-lane roads, junctions and roundabouts (where traffic slows down). Those traffic jams (energy blocks) are physically felt as tension, tightness and/or pain. They’re also emotionally felt - when you feel flat, depressed or stuck in yourself or in your life. Belinda uses needles to clear those traffic jams (energy blocks) in the highways (meridians) so your body can heal itself.
Q: What can I expect from my first acupuncture session? A: Belinda will take a thorough consult, this includes diving into your medical history, health and lifestyle, and the issue you've come to see her for. Belinda then talks things through with you, suggests things you can do at home to help things resolve. You then receive a short treatment which may include acupuncture, cupping or moxa.
Q: Do I need to prepare for a acupuncture session? A: Here's three simple things you can do before you come in, to maximise your treatment: 1. Try not to eat a big meal before your session. Ideally, eat your last meal 2-3 hours before your session. Snack on fruit or a few nuts as you need. 2. Reduce your caffiene intake before you see Belinda as it can temporarily increase your blood pressure and heart rate. 3. Reduce the intensity (or skip) any exercise you do before and after your session, as it can reduce the energy you need to help heal.
Q: Does Belinda offer ACC subsidised treatments? A: No Belinda is not a registered ACC treatment provider.
Q: How many acupuncture sessions do I need? A: There's no 'set number' of sessions as every person responds differently to treatment. Belinda can offer you an approximate number of sessions it'll take to help your body heal
Q: How often do I need to have acupuncture? A. A great place to begin is weekly sessions. Once we see how your body responds, we lengthen the gap between sessions. Belinda’s aim is to empower clients to take charge of their own health and encourage ongoing self-care.
Q: Do you offer needle-free acupuncture sessions? A: Yes you can experience needle-free sessions! Belinda has many tools including acupressure, meridian and belly/sacral massage, moxibustion/heat therapy, cupping, frequency wand, PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic frequency) and self-care tools.
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Online self-care coaching sessions
Q: Why would I book an online self-care session? A: Truly: no-one can care for you better than you: you know yourself better than anyone on the planet!! But if you’re feeling stuck and unsure of how to take better care for yourself, Belinda’s online sessions are a great way to begin your journey. By first understanding your wellbeing goals, Belinda takes you step by step through specific oriental medicine practices you can easily weave into your daily life. Belinda empowers you to take your health into your own hands, supporting you along the way.
Q: What can I expect during an online self-care session? A: Belinda shows you how to ‘read’ your body, to see what meridians are affected and what you can do to bring yourself back to a more balanced and resourced state. We explore self-massage, acupressure, dietary and lifestyle changes, customised to you and your body. Learn to become your own best friend.
Q: How many online self-care sessions will I need? A: Belinda encourages you to listen to your own body wisdom to decide what you need and what feels right for you. Generally we would work together for a few sessions and then if you need further support down the line, we reconnect.